Sunshine Homestay Tinchulay
Takling Rd, Darjeeling, Chhota Mungwa, West Bengal 734222
Tinchuley is basically an Eco-Tourism spot developed by the local inhabitants to enhance the tourism in West Bengal, specially in Darjeeling Districts. Though accommodation is limited in this place, but their sense of hospitality and kindness makes this place a wonder. There are few accommodation of guest house and home-stays available which are run the locals itself. Sunshine Homestay (Tinchuley) is one of the prime accommodation available at this remote place run by one of the reputed family of this region. Sunshine Homestay (Tinchuley) has the accommodations of double bed rooms and four bed rooms also one cottage and two deluxe rooms with all sorts of basic amenities. The sense of hospitality offers by Sunshine Homestay (Tinchuley) and personalized care would cherish all day long. Rooms are very well furnished with attached bath rooms (all western typed toilets), geyser run under the solar power, restaurant facilities, arrangement of cars for the local sight seeing.